Notebooks 1-6
True Life in God
beloved; and now, you come telling Me
that you are thinking of leaving Me,
because I, God, am impossible to reach
and that you were given information that
only worthy souls can reach Me and that
you are below the standard required! I
never deny any soul; I offer My graces
even to the most wretched;
delight Me and meet Me in this way; I
bless you, daughter; I am guiding you;
you are eating from Me; Vassula, read
today 1 Peter; read attentively, then I
will relate it to you; read the first
chapter; live with faith; Peter teaches
you to have faith;
(Jesus made me understand many things
with the word ‘faith’; that one can make
mountains move by faith. One has to
believe blindly, if you wish.)
October 10, 1986
I am the Light; I, Jesus, want to warn
you: never ever fall into traps set up by
evil; never believe in any message which
brings you unrest; do understand why
evil is trying very hard to stop you;
daughter, any message condemning My
previous messages
is from evil; the devil
is trying once again to stop you and
discourage you; I, who am your Saviour,
am confirming to you that all the
messages bearing calls of love and peace,
leading those that are lost to find their
way back to Me, are all from the Father
and Me; so do not get discouraged, have
faith in Me; remember, do not believe in
any message that will leave your heart
worried; I am Peace and peaceful you
should feel;
First editions before the approach of the Cross
October 16, 1986
peace be with you; beloved, rest; do not
burden yourself more; I can feel how you
are straining;
I felt Your Presence! Were You emphasising
Your Presence, Jesus?
I am, I emphasised My Presence so that
you understand; Vassula, I am fully
aware of your capacity;
(That day I was particularly tired but I
could not stop reading and working. I felt
Jesus’ Presence everywhere. He was trying
to tell me something.)
October 22, 1986
I, God, delight to have you near Me; I
love you, daughter; have faith in Me; in
less than two months you will be hearing
Me distinctively,
I will give you the
support you want; My aim is to guide
you; you will progress enormously in
less than two months, for this is My will;
I am your Teacher; all My teachings will
enlighten your soul; remain near Me;
Vassula, every time you feel miserable
come to Me and I will console you, for
you are My beloved; I never want to see
any of My children miserable; they
should come to Me and I will console
October 23, 1986
Vassula, which house needs you more? I
want you to choose;
Jesus, if You are asking me what is more
important, Your House or mine, I would of
Prediction which came true. After six weeks I could
hear His voice clearer.
© Vassula Rydén
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