Notebook 8
True Life in God
Vassula, courage; daughter, call Me
when you wish; I love you;
I love You too, Mother. Teach me to love
You more!
Jesus, I love You.
I am here, beloved; it is I, Jesus;
(I surrender all over again.)
I love you; give Me your little heart in
which I will sow the seeds of Peace and
Love; I will form you like I desire you to
be; nothing will go in vain; all will be for
saving My children; do not fear, let Me
lead you daughter;
(My love for Jesus was at its full this
morning, also a fear that He’ll abandon
me, since I’m nothing, and a ‘nothing’
loving God is probably offending His Holy
O daughter, I love you; be with Me; I will
never leave you, O My little one; few are
those that glorify Me as you do;
Vassula, My Vassula, I care for you;
when I have delivered My guidance I
shall not wait further; My Heart longs
for your little soul; O how I myself suffer
to have you down on earth;
I shall take
you back to Me, delivering you and
rejoicing My Heart, for I burn with
desire to have you again with Me; have
My Peace, I am with you soon;
Vassula do you want to take in writing
My next Message?
Yes, Lord.
are you ready?
(I had avoided this message for a few days
but now I felt ready for it. Jesus had talked
about it already some time ago.)
Yes, Lord.
In this dark world of today.
do you Love Me?
Very much. You know I do.
do you desire that others love Me too?
Yes, this is my wish now.
work then with Me and write down all
that I tell you; yes, Vassula?
I just wanted to say that this is like a
miracle, being able to be guided in this
way, Lord.
(Peace Message.)
I willed it, Vassula; I have chosen you to
show the world that I need neither
authority nor holiness;
I have chosen a mere child, helpless
and sinful with no authority and
knowing no one in power, to manifest
through this weak instrument, with My
grace, My Peace and Love I have for you
I want to convey to this dark world My
Message, thus showing My effusions to
the world; for My Mercy is ineffable and
My affection beyond any human
Heaven above with all its Glory, reigns
forever in peace and love and I shall see
that on earth too all peace and love
prevails evil;
My peace will cover the
earth like mist, spreading from the
heights to the depths and from one end
of the globe to the other end;
I come to proclaim My Message to you
all and turn you away from your evil
doings; My word will be like a cedar,
spreading out its branches like arms,
healing your wickedness, feeding your
misery and delivering you from evil; I
come once more to enlighten this dark
world and revive this flickering flame
Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…
© Vassula Rydén
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