Notebook 7
True Life in God
February 10, 1987
Vassula it is I, Jesus Christ; I am with
you, beloved; do you know that I am
guiding you through Hades?
have no
fear, My light is on you, protecting you
from evil; having you exposed in Hades
many souls are healing;
I have taught you to love Me; love Me,
your love for Me is healing them;
I use
your love as a remedy to cure them; heal
them Vassula, heal them; you are
bearing My Cross with Me, Vassula;
these works are heavenly works that My
Father is revealing to you, many
heavenly works are still hidden and are
but mysteries to you;
Many people will not accept this, Jesus.
They will blame it on my fantasy.
Vassula, how many among them have
understood fully My Father’s works on
Many Works are not understood and are
still mysteries to us.
how then will they understand what is
Vassula, all Wisdom is given to mere
children; My Father delights in children;
be happy, daughter, and praise My
Father for being good to you; daughter,
be His bearer and glorify Him; do not
worry, I am guiding you; work in this
way; I am your Teacher;
I will continue forming you, beloved; I
am forming you as well as My other
children; go in peace and remember that
you are guided by Me; hear Me, I love
you and I want you to be with Me;
Purgatory. (My soul is ‘exposed’ in purgatory. By
loving God, souls can be liberated from purgatory.
Prayers liberate souls from purgatory too.)
Extinguishing their fires.
Vassula, I am pleased that your faith
has augmented; purify yourself by eating
Me and drinking Me;
I will, Jesus. I will go to receive Holy
come to Me, all My love covers you; I
love you child;
Jesus, I love You and I'll fight for You.
fight I do not want! for I am Peace and
you will work with peace, for Peace;
fill Me with joy remaining as close to
Me as possible; will you kiss My feet?
(I took a picture of Jesus and kissed His
I love you, go in peace;
February 11, 1987
Vassula, it is I, Jesus Christ; daughter
your sufferings will be Mine and My
sufferings will be yours; you will share
all what I have, yes, even My sufferings;
I will be near you, consoling you when
you need Me, but I want to be consoled
in return when I am suffering;
Jesus, You do not really need anybody,
especially me!
no, I do not need anybody, I suffice by
Myself; but do I not share everything I
have with you? I am your Saviour, your
Healer, your Father,
your Spouse; I am
your God who will never ever abandon
(In the evening while in the hall downstairs
and about to climb the stairs with my
hands full of glasses I very clearly
discerned a huge dark cross on the upper
level of the staircase. Huge it was. Jesus
Read Is. 9:5-6.
© Vassula Rydén
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