True Life in God
Notebook 7
come with Me, I have a secret I want to
tell you; Vassula, do you know why I love
Yes, you told me already.
there is still one more reason; I love you
because you love My children;
come now nearer to Me, will you let
Me enter your heart?
Yes, do, Jesus.
how happy you made Me, for I know I
can rest in you; do not deny Me again,
for I but long to enter hearts;
You will probably find stains ....
all impurities I will find, I will wash
away; beloved, My Blood will purify you;
February 1, 1987
Vassula, it is I, Jesus Christ; I love you;
any message bearing blames or harsh
words, know that it is not coming from
Me; I am love, love, love;
My heart is an abyss of love; the
guidance I am giving you is adjusted for
you; regard yourself as a toddler who has
but started her first steps, no one expects
a toddler to walk with confidence and
self-assurance; My guidance is for a
beginner, I teach you in gradual steps
and every step you take with Me I bless;
I am your Father,
helping you and
teaching you My child to walk with Me;
here is My answer to your thought; I
love you all in the same way;
You speak of specially chosen souls.
are you not a chosen one? I love you all;
daughter, I have longed to have you
near Me; how I longed for you to love
Is. 9:5.
Me, how I long for the rest of My beloved
children to love Me; I call them; I spend
all day and night behind their doors,
waiting, hoping for a response; I watch
them incessantly, My eyes never leaving
them; I watch them filled up with
sorrow; if they only knew in what state
of poverty their souls are, if they only
knew how they are damaging and
hurting their souls;
I am near you, I am calling you to
come to Me; do not be afraid; I will not
reproach you; I do not call you to
reproach your sins; I call you to meet Me
if it is but for just a few minutes; come to
Me, you poor souls come and meet Me
and get to know your loving Father;
Himself will feed you with His own
Body; He will slacken your thirst with
His own Blood;
He will heal you if you
are sick; He will comfort you if you are
distressed; He will envelop you with His
love and warm you if you feel cold; do
not refuse Me; I am Love and I love you
in spite of your wickedness; I say I love
you even if you despise Me; I am a God
full of pity, always ready to receive you
and let you live in My Heart;
daughter, how I pain to watch them
slumbering while they are slowly sinking
deeper and deeper in vile depths of sin;
if they could only know how their
iniquities render their souls! I tell you
that your life on earth is but a passing
shadow, but your life in Heaven is for
eternity there; there you will live
eternally near your Creator in His glory,
for let Me remind you that you are His
own children;
Vassula, I will call all those who
persecute Me and defile My Name in My
following message;
Yes, Lord.
Is. 9:5-6: ‘For there is a child born for us (...) and
this is the name they give him: Wonder-Counsellor,
Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.’
Look at Jn. 6:48-51.
© Vassula Rydén
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