Notebook 15
True Life in God
surpassing all others, in command, it was
red, thick, and it grew in its thickness, like
yeast, pouring from above on us.)
Vassula, I will open the heavens, letting
you see what eye has never seen; you
have well discerned, keep awake; I will
watch over you, hear Me; write; I have,
since the beginning of times, loved My
creation, but I created My creation to
love Me too and recognise Me as their
God; I have, since the beginning of
times, sanctified all that My Hands
created; I am a God of Love, I am the
Spirit of Sublime Love; creature, since
the beginning of times, I have shown My
Love to mankind, but I have also shown
My Justice too; each time My creation
rebelled against Me and My Law, I
hardened at Heart, My Heart grieved by
their iniquities; I came to remind them
that I am the Spirit of Love and that they
too are spirit; I came to remind them
that they are but a passing shadow on
earth, made out of dust, and that My
first drops of rain upon them, will wash
them away leaving nothing behind; I
have breathed into them, My Breath,
giving them life;
the world has incessantly been
offending Me and I, for My part, have
incessantly been reminding them of My
existence and of how I love them, My
Chalice of Justice is full, creation! My
Justice lies heavily upon you! unite and
return to Me, honour Me creation! when
you will, then I too will lift My Justice;
My cries resound and shake the entire
heavens leaving all My angels trembling
for what has to come, I am a God of
Justice and My Eyes have grown weary
immorality; My creation has become, in
its decadence, a replica of what Sodom
was; I will thunder you with My Justice
as I have thundered the Sodomites;
repent, creation, before I come;
I have indeed forewarned you many a
time but you have not followed My
instructions; I have raised up saints to
warn you, but daughter, they have closed
their hearts; My creation would rather
live in lust and ignore Me; I have given
them signs to awaken them;
My God, Your children are only sleeping.
Please come and wake them up, they are
only sleeping.
they are sleeping hour after hour, year
after year;
But Lord, who is to blame if they have not
been taught, they are almost innocent if
they know nothing about You.
I have raised servants and teachers on
earth to teach them;
But Lord, Your teachers and servants do
work, but what can they do more when
multitudes are negative, they are helpless!
helpless? they should repent, they
should come to Me and repent; I have
through times given them signs, but they
have rejected them as not from Me; I
have given them warnings through weak
and wretched souls but they doubted My
word; they have rejected all My
blessings, grieving Me; O men with
hearts out of rock! men of little faith!
have they had more heart and have they
had, now even, more heart, I would have
helped them; I stirred them up from
their sleep, but how many times have
they closed their eyes, falling back into
But why don’t they make it known to the
world when You give Your signs?
some do, but the majority of My
sacerdotal souls have closed their hearts,
doubting, fearing; many of them fear;
© Vassula Rydén
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