True Life in God Volume II

Notebook 115 True Life in God 59 __________________________________________________________________________________ your torments will increase... do not flare up the wrath of God; cease in doing evil; repent and grieve Him no more;" yet they did not want to listen; you see, daughter, I Am in your midst, in your midst I Am, but they treat Me with contempt; I am forgotten; wrapped in their indifference, My shepherds have not answered Me; nor have they tasted My sweetness so as not to wither away ... I am the Rock but their delight is to lean on fog, not on Me; when they deny that you are hearing Me or seeing Me in your heart, in their disbelief they are distorting the Scriptures; I dwell in all man, so how could they deny My Presence? Lord, You have enlarged the vision of my soul, allowing me to contemplate You in Your magnificence; You come and go, You appear at length then disappear, vanishing at greater length, yet You are always with me... Vassula, the problem with My shepherds is that they have intellectualized Me; some possess Me, but many do not; My Spirit is resting on you and I have proven it to many; the signs that you come from Me, are ever so visible; rejoice! for your Saviour, whom you have seen in your childhood and who was calling you, never ceased to be with you: were you not insulted, slandered, accused of being an imposter and the like? were you not persecuted for My Sake? these are the signs that My Spirit is and has been resting on you; prophecy as a gift is rejected by your shepherds, but that does not mean that the prophetic Spirit has ceased to be! Scriptures never lie and you should firmly hold on to them; when the earth is sullied with sin, apostasy and mastered by Satan, would I not intervene? would I not send My Holy Spirit to move My chosen one and speak in My Name? it is a fatal thing to deny the gift of prophecy; so, My Vassula, stand your ground, never falter, or waver, grow in My grace, and learn from Me; I delight in you... come, we, us? ic June 24, 2011 My child, I am your Father, allow Me to be working through you; delight Me always by admitting you are a sinner and incapable to have reached where you are on your own; no man is perfect; however, when the Holy Spirit dwells within you, and reveals Himself, giving you His grace, He unites body and soul to Us, glorifying Us... thus, in abiding in you, He perfects you, giving you the essence of all good; you have said well: that I have been giving ample teachings to you and to this generation about the Holy Spirit, due to so much misunderstanding and lack of Knowledge, since He is the least known of the Trinity; you