True Life in God Volume II

58 True Life in God Notebook 115 __________________________________________________________________________________ shall not hear them; My Day is nearer than you think; devastation will reduce this earth into the same desolation they have made out of My Church! I had begun as a beggar, begging them for a return of love, and in return I was jeered, oppressed and laid barren; I pleaded with this generation, I pleaded at the feet of My priests, but all they did was to spit at Me and chase Me away; My acts of Mercy were ridiculed; I came to them to save them from the clutches of My enemy; I showed My Face to them, but they did not recognize Me, nor did they learn1 from the Scripture My sayings; I came to bring peace in their difficult times, but peace was not appreciated nor accepted; so now, a sentence will be passed on all living creatures on this earth to purify the stench of sin; My child, I, your Spouse, tell you: endure for My Sake all these attacks; rivers of graces will fill up dry lands where I send you; daughter, water My orchards, embellish My garden, I, Jesus Christ bless you now and forever; I Am ic May 18, 2011 Vassula, My child: I am Peace and Love; write: the voice of My envoys is not heard in the filth of their sins; your2 shepherds 1 I heard at the same time the word 'follow'. 2 in my country, Greece. are asleep and your people alike; My sheep are scattered; I find no comfort in their heart; corpses are scattered and as I walk, I stumble on corpses; countless in number; I have come to them like a shepherd to rescue and save those who have fallen away from My Word; a few have listened to My Merciful call and I assembled them with delight near Me; now if your nation is in dirge and broken and the powers drink the wine of your people depriving them and leaving whole families powerless, pushing the poor to be poorer, My Heart pains Me with sorrow; I have, for a while, tread on their soil3 burning with desire to pasture them; but My Crown was thrust down with cries of insults by My shepherds, raising their voice on My gift; ah! because they have sworn to wrestle against Me, while I was giving them food and drink4 and offering My Heart in My Hand, their nation will beat their breast; I was determined to assemble them all and lead them to My Kingdom; and graze My sheep; and teach the wicked to abandon his ways, the evil man his thoughts; I was ready to carry you5 on My shoulders, treat you preciously, for you are My child, and I am rich in forgiving; even when your angels, warned you of your vanity, calling out to you: "beware! Do not curse your King! Do not provoke His Justice, for you will mourn and wail in distress! the powers from above are shaken and 3 Figurative. 4 spiritual food through these Messages. 5 Greece.