True Life in God Messages

Notebook 10 True Life in God 57 I love you daughter; My sufferings I will make you feel; when My Crucifixion comes nearer, I will come to you leaving you My nails and thorned crown; I will give you My Cross; beloved, share with Me My sufferings; your soul will feel the anguish I had, your hands and feet the excruciating pains I felt; Vassula, I love you and since you are My bride I wish to share all I have with you, believe Me, you will be with Me; Vassula, have no fear for I, Jesus, am with you; come, you will understand in phases how I work; have My peace; beloved, I have prepared a place for you; April 8, 1987 (Today I have a few things to do, but I could not resist writing to God, so I quickly asked Jesus: “One word, Lord, just one word.”) one word, Vassula? LOVE I love You! (I meant by “one word” a short sentence or so ....) April 9, 1987 (While in Switzerland I was wondering where would my home would be one day. We’re still looking around. Roaming, roaming, roaming.) feel My presence, (I saw Jesus pointing at His Heart.) your home is here ... straight in the middle of My Heart; daughter, glorify Me by drawing souls to Me; (My older sister for the first time learned about this Message. She read the last five copies. The influence of this was to make up a family quarrel of eight years with our first cousin. They are good friends again. I never uttered a word. Then she left, for Rhodos, where she lives. That first night she talked to her husband, he was more shocked than her. They read together notebooks 5 and 6, that evening. Then they went to sleep, But he couldn't. He started to pray and ask God to forgive his sins. Then a miracle happened. God gave him the same vision I saw! The one of the beautiful garden and that ‘sun’ all round, guarded with millions of angels. God made him penetrate, like I did, inside that round light, and when he felt God's presence so close, he started to shiver and weep. He woke up my sister telling her. She was amazed. They couldn't wait until next morning to tell me of this. – Then in buying now the book of Enoch, which I always wanted, before I started to read it I opened it at page 102. Just like that, and what do I read? The same vision Enoch had as I had, the bright round Light, guarded by thousands of angels! 1 It was too much to be of a coincidence; because this vision I saw while in Bangladesh on March 26. Then on April 11, 1987 when I was in Paris, while searching for books in a library I stumbled on a book called Metanoia and what made me look at it was its cover. The picture of the cover was exactly my vision, Enoch’s, and my brother in law’s. The round light with the angels guarding it. After my sister left I wrote again letting God take my hand. God gave then Strato a written message.) I love My lambs; unite My lambs; whoever reads My Message will be eating My Bread; whoever will get a sign from Me will be those whom I wish to 1Much later on, in 1996, a friend of mine sent me a picture of the vision that Saint Hildegard had and it was the same.