True Life in God Messages

56 True Life in God Notebook 10 army of salvation; My sheep are scattered, all priests should unite; My God, I personally am baptised as Greek-Orthodox, whom are you referring to My Lord, to Catholics or Protestants, or sects? or other religions? If I dare ask You this it’s because it’s existing. O Vassula, Vassula, I am One; I God am One; My children are all created by My Hand, why are all My children dispersed? I desire Unity, 1 I want My children to unite; I am One God and they must understand that the Holy Trinity is all in One! the Holy Spirit, the Holy Father and Jesus Christ the Son, all three are in One; 2 Vassula cling to Me, learn from Me; My God, what about the Light? I am the Light, I am One; 3 April 5, 1987 Vassula, I love you infinitely; I will let you feel My love by letting you feel My Heart; I placed my hand on His chest and felt His Heart throbbing. each beat of My Heart is a call to a soul; I long for My beloved to hear Me and approach Me; today I have taken the essence of your love to Me, to use it for healing a soul, Vassula; I had felt it .... creature, live in My Light; 4 1 Unity. I do not dare to think out loud about what God’s desires are!! I understood… 2One God. 3One God. 4The Lord’s tone was strict. I love You, Lord. woman, live in Me; 5 Teach me to love You more. beloved, come, let Me hide you in My Heart; 6 work with Me, never weary of writing; do not forget My Presence; April 6, 1987 (Two weeks before Easter.) Vassula, prepare yourself for My torments; devote yourself to Me; you will feel My pains; I am preparing you for My Crucifixion; I will suffer, but you will share My sufferings, beloved, you will feel My anguish and My wounds; will you suffer with Me? 7 come let us rest in each other; April 7, 1987 (I felt as if the whole guidance is pressing on me, and that I am alone with God's Word heavily on me, and not having anywhere to unload it, I don't know what to do? I felt helpless beyond description, and alone, alone with this weight on me.) Vassula, do I ever abandon you? I am God; lean on Me, trust Me; I should, yes, but there are times it’s beyond me. I can't help it. I feel responsible. My child, have patience, trust in Me, come to Me I will comfort you; I love you, Father, beyond words. (I felt how He was so ready to console me.) 5The Lord’s tone became milder. 6The Lord’s tone became very tender full of love. 7 I will do Your will.