True Life in God Messages

Notebook 82 True Life in God 853 do not look for freedom elsewhere except in My Spirit; and like in the time of the first-fruits, 1 I will fill you with a variety of gifts from My Holy Spirit; many of you will be singing in tongues; others will have the eloquence of speech; My gifts are numerous, and they will be given lavishly; come! come and win the friendship of My Holy Spirit to become collaborators with Him, for He will graciously initiate you into Our mysteries by opening your mind and your eyes to understand and perceive the Imperceptible yet graciously offered to you at no cost; oh, come! do not stand there, inert, come and inherit what is yours from the beginning; come and inherit the Inaccessible Light yet all around you and who could be within you! come and possess the Unattainable yet at everyone’s reach! come! and do not stand remote and in terror; come and inherit the mystery of My Kingdom; today I am offering you Joy, Peace, your Inheritance; I am offering you an Inestimable Treasure more beautiful than any man could conceive of obtaining; if I am pursuing you untiringly it is because of the greatness of the love I have for you; out of the favours I have favoured you this One is My Crown; 2 come closer to Me and I will breathe in you Immortality, reanimating your soul to move, aspire, and breathe in My Glory so that you no longer belong to yourself but to the One who moves you in union in Our Oneness; do not say: “do I dare, I, the sinner, apply for the Inaccessible Light? accessible only to the saints?” – if you truly believe you are a sinner, as you say, and unworthy for My Gifts, the 1 I heard at the same time the word: ‘Apostles’. 2God is speaking of His Holy Spirit. impossible will become possible; 3 I will immediately set you on fire to consume you and burn to the root all that was not Me; I will then replace all that hindered My passage in you by the One whom you thought Unattainable; He will be the light of your eyes, the motive of your being, the movement of your heart, the utterance of your speech, your laughter and your joy, the kingly adornment of your soul, the watchman of your spirit; He will be your brother, your sister and your faithful friend; He will be your festivity, your banquet, the hidden treasure, the pearl, your hymn to the Hymn, your amen to the Amen; the promised land and the foundation of all virtues on which He will inscribe His Holy Name; come then and receive the Seal of your freedom by admitting you are a sinner and subject to sin, so that I, in My turn, lavish upon you My Inexhaustible Riches and the Kingdom of Heaven; My Holy Spirit can quench your thirst; I want to turn you all into a blameless race, into a holy people, into Our Image, so why, why do you ask from Me so very little .... and with so little faith? why do you misjudge My generosity? your lack of faith is a fatal poison for your spirit, drawing you into what I repel: human doctrines and regulations; you have learnt that the Church is My Son’s Body and that He is Its Head, 4 this is why you, who make part of His Body, should aspire for the gifts of My Holy Spirit and penetrate into the mystery of Christ, mystery which will divinise you; in the power of My Spirit you will see a glorious vision of your inheritance where all the holy people rest, you will see your place of rest; – are you fit for 3 God means that if we admit we are sinners, we already acknowledge our unworthiness; with a spirit of humility we can obtain His Spirit’s Gifts. 4Col. 1:18.