True Life in God Volume II

92 True Life in God Notebook 118 __________________________________________________________________________________ understood? have you not understood how I am infatuated in such weakness? how it delights Me? your weakness seized My Power and My Mercy! Lord, You who are my Maker, and my ears were opened to hear this revelation from You, with absolutely no merit at all! and You have so willingly invested so much time with me, I give You thanks and praise, and now, after all these years, the world worse than before is pining away and the earth is more defiled than ever, ravaged by sin, and we are waiting for Your Hand to lift us, so how much longer do we have to wait for Your return? I am at your doors, that near; soon many nations shall be filled with the Knowledge of My Glory, I will stand as a watchman on My Watchtower, like a flag, and those of haughty nature will not see Me, but those in whose hearts I reposed shall see Me; everyone will be overwhelmed and like terrified beasts the haughty hearts will scatter; many nations will come to nothing; sacrifice, My Vassula, your time for Me and rejoice My Heart with your nothingness, for now I will be stirring more of My Justice on mankind; and they will roll in ashes; pray and forgive your oppressors, diminish My fierce anger towards their incredulity; Love will come in its perfection in any one who will decide to follow My Law and will have no fear in Judgment Day; I have written through your hand all of these Messages so that this testimony may bring those who read it closer to Me; a testimony that brings you to Eternal Life; a testimony to live a true Life in Me, your God; I, Jesus Christ, remind you that the Victory will be Mine in the end; daughter, peace, Love loves you! ic November 30, 2015 Lord! You are the joy of our soul, the gladness of our spirit, the lamp of our body, Glory be to You my God, Father of all... oh come! do not fear, the sound of your words pleased Me; although your nature is weak and reserved, My Heart rejoices; rejoices in your poverty, My Vassula; every vision I have given you, every revelation I breathed in you came from My Wisdom; not from sages, or from the intelligence of intelligent men, but from My Holy Spirit; let this year pass by and you shall see what moaning and bemoaning this generation will have harvested and what panic there would be! your generation carries out plans that are not Mine and so they add sin upon sin, lethal sins; write: I am now as in the days of Noah, descending upon you to warn your generation; when I warned them of the flood that they would have then, they would not believe; today,