True Life in God Volume II

Notebook 116 True Life in God 75 __________________________________________________________________________________ have no knowledge of Me as a living God; I have given them signs to lift their veil of death, but, My sister, no one repents; I will keep purging them1 to train them to acknowledge Me through their trials; sexual immorality is a sin against your body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit; but today your nation together with other nations have become a harlot's dwelling; I have priests who fear to declare this sin and use compromises instead; this is Satan's hour; My Messages pronounce the Truth about detachment, that is what has to be practiced; to accept My Cross is difficult for some, that is why they are lenient with compromises; how will these2 change after death? how can I intensify My Love in them when their hearts have hardened? how is it that their hearts are far from the Wisdom of God that is known to work wonders and that can manifest itself in anyone that God chooses, turning and transforming their soul to be zealous in their effacement, royal in their poverty, a piercing gaze in their meekness? has anyone noticed that through your self-dying My Love raised you to be My bearer, evangelizing and teaching ears that are ready to hear? and as My Presence is with you, so is My Light upon you, covering you and your surrounding; My pure Light flows 1 the whole of Greece? 2 these people. out, expanding, teaching and converting; many of them hear of My Love, as you read out My Messages to them, many perceive that My Words are a Life giving Spring; so an awakening takes place that makes them thirst to know more of My sublime mysteries and of My Divine Love and of My sweetness all of which are hidden in My depths; what has anyone understood, if today My Church has intellectualized these mysteries? mysteries that I am willing to reveal in your days with simple terms and with clarity, through this instrument, that I have chosen? death's terrors are around the corner and My Angels are trembling with fear watching the Almighty One if in His fury will let His Hand fall crashing down on this evil generation; I weep tears of Blood, when I watch how, in spite of My obvious signs given to you all, My shepherds still hound those I am sending and how they sneer with arrogance on the Work of My Hands; they remain deaf to My Calls, deaf to My crying, but soon, yes, your soon, the earth will be put aflame, as in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah that My Father overthrew, then I will show My Glory through the Eastern House;3 today I have provided that House with a Guardian Archangel4, to lead that House to be an exemplary of My Holiness; once, in the past, this 3 Russian Church. 4 St. Michael the Archangel.