True Life in God Volume II

54 True Life in God Notebook 114 __________________________________________________________________________________ My Hand holds your hand; any ruthless judgments done on you were done on Me; My rage is against this faithless generation; have you not noticed, Vassula? My cry has pierced the air, like a hurricane of fire I shall descend on them, and rivers of fire will engulf many nations; My fury will not end, have you not seen the signs of the Times? the waters of the seas will continue to rage pitilessly against this evil and faithless generation, for soon the Hand of My Father will fall heavily upon the apostates; this generation will fall in My Father's Hands and hordes of those who have forgotten Me will suffer terribly; ah! yes! they will suddenly remember Me and call out My Name, but not with contrition nor out of love, but out of fear, for their life; some with maddening sarcasm will hail insults and blasphemies on Me, still boasting of their philosophy and their so-called self-realization, knowledge of diameters and calculations, scorning My Wisdom on that Day; but their hope, My Vassula, will be void, and all that this generation thought they achieved without Me, will end up unprofitable; all what they have toiled without My Name, in fact, intentionally, erasing My Holy Name, will turn out unavailing; daughter! let Me tell you: I, God, have put this generation to the test and as you noticed many proved themselves unworthy to share My Kingdom; their fascination to discover what lies beyond the cosmos amazes Me1 and embarrasses My Angels! Grace and 1 of how stupid can we be! Mercy was offered to all mankind but those who heard Me yet have chosen not to listen nor accept My saving help; due to their incredulity, they will suffer immensely like Cain! those who are faithful will live in My Heart, in love; now they too are tested like gold in a furnace and have proven themselves worthy of My Kingdom I shall be their King for ever… this is the beginning of the end of these Times2 when My Fire comes, all the elements of this world will melt; already alternations of the solstices and the succession of your seasons have changed; and there is more to come; Vassula, My child, let Me refresh your memory once more: you are My property, do not fear, you were born for My calling; I modelled you for My purpose; for I knew you would not swerve from the Truth, and I, would become your Holy Companion on this earth; I had, before you were born, traced out your path3; from the very beginning I joined My Heart to yours; however, your freedom of spirit was shown to man, you were and are as a bird flying above the world through the air, soaring the skies; administrators4 of My Kingdom5 observed and noticed your freedom, and have passed ruthless judgment on you and un-compassionately have thrown arrows on you to cast you down and strike you pitilessly, in order to leave no proof of your 2 not of the world. 3 life. 4 this is not a good term, the Lord means the unspiritual priests. 5 the Lord means the Church.