True Life in God Volume II

160 True Life in God Notebook 123 __________________________________________________________________________________ sparkling living Spring that gushes like a flowing light, resembling a cascade of diamonds pouring down from My Throne on this earth; whosoever drinks Me, will thirst for more; the ones who drink Me, are Mine forever, for I become inside them a Life giving Spring; ah! I have so much to learn! Redeemer and Bridegroom: You have asked us to be alone with You, for even just a brief moment, and enjoy Your Presence in privacy; lead us in the silence of a desert, where You will speak tenderly to our hearts, You and I, I and You, alone, delighting in each other's presence in privacy under the starlight; I love what You said then about Israel to Your prophet Hosea: "that is why I am going to lure her and lead her out into the wilderness and speak to her heart," (Hosea 2: 16). I will be embracing then Your Paternal and Intimate relationship in these moments of privacy, away from the clamour of the world, away from the chaos of this world, because in the desert You will infuse in me an Understanding and a Knowledge of Yourself, that will exceed any earthly wisdom and capacities I could have had in me, when I belonged to the world; my ignorance of not knowing You and of understanding You, will be of the past and will be buried in the land of oblivion, were I to follow now this Path that You will be setting for me… you will obtain more than that in the desert; you will be reborn of Me through grace, that transcends all that can be imagined, your soul will despise all that is not Me after I would have spoken to your heart; yes, I will lure those who are roaming aimlessly on this earth, as dark shadows, like soot that disfigures their soul, resembling Death, and will lure them to the desert and when I will speak to their heart, their soul, touched by My Tender Love, will melt within Me and they will devote themselves to Me; I will vest them with what they lacked, I will start vesting them with Faith, the enemy of My Enemy, who cannot bear to watch the dazzling brightness of Faith, from thereon, this soul will be clinging only on My Word and I will be increasing in this soul while she will be decreasing; our spiritual union then will be perfect; My friendly Presence will be manifest to this soul, My Words enchanting, for I will be speaking the language of pure spirit infusing her with the Knowledge and Understanding of Myself; My methods of raising a soul are with tenderness, pouring in her heart rays of My Divinity; in Your Call to me, Lord, You have said that Your mere Presence of Light will give me to acquire Wisdom and win God's friendship commended by Him by the gifts of Instruction, those gifts that will enlighten my thoughts and acts with divine Knowledge and Understanding, gifts that You wanted always to offer us… I, Jesus, am the Spring of your life; the Holy Spirit in His graciousness is