True Life in God Volume II

152 True Life in God Notebook 122 __________________________________________________________________________________ entry Barrier against all evil inclinations that were trying to slither past Him; from thereon, anything that was non-spiritual became insipid to your taste, after having tasted My spiritual Canticle; Vassula, be reassured, I am not just like any passer by, never to be seen again for years, or never to return to you; by grace I have risen you and by grace I am visiting you and will be visiting you; and by grace I will be remaining with you and within you, joined forever; this union by grace is a gift to you from My Father; grace will be always with you so long as you observe and keep My Commandments and My Precepts alive in you; do not fear, for I have attached your soul safely in Me as an embryo with an umbilical cord; I will keep animating you to enliven My Church, to console My Church and to spread My Messages with courage and zeal; your zeal for My House has been a spur to many, but be confident for I am with you; My Hand will be constantly on you; Love loves you, ic July 9, 2020 come daughter, have My Peace; hear Me and write: My New Canticle of Love that I have given you is a Gift that had been reserved for your times; it is My Bridal Song chanted by Me, your God; incessantly like the morning star among the clouds, I have been emerging from My Throne, vested in Glorious Light to reach all of you; and as I open My Lips to hymn to My beloved daily, chanting together with all My Angels and Saints, a dazzling ray of light streams out of My Mouth, with lightning lights, encompassing the darkness of this world; and as My Word is the Word of Life, clouds and darkness fade away, dissipating like mist with every Word dropping from My Lips; My Canticles are robed in Majesty, My Vassula, and Royal Power, transcending the worlds, perfuming them with My Bridal fragrance; My Sweetness and Love are sweeter than the honeycomb; have I not shown to you all these years signs of My Love? have I not embraced you all with amorous kisses of My Mouth? have you not noticed My Gaze of tender Love and the sweetness of my caresses on your cheek, a sweetness transcending every sense? do not waver or hesitate, open your mouth and I will feed you directly with My Word from My Mouth to obtain the magnificence of Wisdom; I open My Lips to sing to My Bride1 who praises My Name day and night, My Presence is within Her, maintaining Her alive, surrounded with My Angels, who share My Joy; learn that My Presence in full Majesty transcends earth and Heaven, for My Name quivers the earth, quivers the Heavens, as no other Name is 1 The Church and its community.