True Life in God Volume II

142 True Life in God Notebook 122 __________________________________________________________________________________ that are Oceans of Love… trembling with emotion, realizing the depths of My Love, your heart will be wounded, a scar that will never heal, in discovering the Beauty of your God; in discovering His Splendour, His Formidable Allure; you would be gazing at the One and only God, glittering in His Glorious Light, you would be discovering the Life Giver, the Lord of lords who shed His Own Blood for you to redeem you and save you to share His Glory…your Bridegroom, your Beloved will keep drawing you closer to Him with golden strings so that you will never be separated again from Him; we shall become One; your soul will be united to Me and I, God, will be united with you; soul! having desired Me, having been thirsting for Me, daughter of Mine, have led you in your contemplation to Me into a betrothal marriage, into a mystical wedding; into Divine Love … and the deep night has already faded away from your soul, carnal pleasures are only of the past and remain in the past and looked upon like dust and ashes, for now in front of you is standing Visible Glory, beyond comparison, fairer than the moon, brighter than the sun; I had from the day you were born, pursued you with a burning desire to make you Mine in a Divine Union, leading you into a nuptial mystical union, to shroud you with the radiant matrimonial veils of immortality as I then had visited you1 as a Bridegroom to wed you and become My Bride… and you, had you then realized fully Who was with you leaning on you, you would have rejoiced; I then led you, if you remember well, into My Mother’s chamber, into the room in which She would perfect you; now, I have finally stepped inside your life and enlivened a desire in your arduous path to reach Me and remain My faithful Bride; this time at any cost from your side ; having discovered My incomparable Beauty, having realized that our Divine Union will bring about impassibility that draws souls away from the world, your soul will observe My precepts, your lips will be proclaiming praises to Me, after I returned to awaken you from your deep sleep and having then seen My incomparable Beauty, you will leave the world behind, turning away from it to be sated instead in My embrace with Divine Tenderness; O what would I not do for every soul! I fully rejoice being with You! You have condescended to let me step into Your embrace in which I find englobed myself in Tender Love, Security, feeling that I am Home and that we are kin, feelings as though I always knew You, feelings of 1 When I was around 10 years of age, the Lord gave me a dream of Him being my Bridegroom and saw myself next to Him being wedded, while people were rejoicing while we walked waving long palms on our path. Then he led me in a chamber where His Mother was waiting for me with great joy in Her. She received me and was fixing my wedding dress and arranging my hair for Her Son…