True Life in God Volume II

116 True Life in God Notebook 119 __________________________________________________________________________________ to an undeserved population,1 to fill your heart with a feeling like wine, that you may pour out to them a melodious speech; I said I will be your guide and adviser and I will watch over you always, so do not fear! when you correct people, although you avoid using My Name, My Spirit who made His home in you allows Himself to reveal in you what is right and what is wrong; you become then the witness; My Spirit with your spirit intertwined in this way, witness; be patient with those then who oppose you, and put up with them as I put up with them who anger Me; oh yes, I put up with them for the sake of others to whom I want to show My Mercy; it is not easy My child but derive strength from Me; remember too that My grace upon you suffices… I heard you say: ‘love is missing’; this is indeed the greatest bitterness I receive from My Church! when faults done by some people, that I bring in front of your eyes to reprimand them, reminding them that My Work is wholly spiritual and noble, irrelevant to any administrative work, utterly abhor Me and grieve My Spirit when they voice out with temper their disagreements, going off the straight course of peace and harmony; injuring their soul and discrediting their faith as well; come! My Vassula, your zeal sometimes becomes a spur to those as well, those who are still unprepared to comprehend that I have sent you to 1 the Lord’s Voice suddenly was sad when He pronounced the word ‘undeserved’. them as a gift; many still, who have found Me, have within them worldly ambitions; to these I say: purify yourself and allow My Holy Spirit to renew you all over again; look forward to inherit Eternal Life! end your disputes and quibbles over My Work; follow My Calling but with Peace and Integrity, Joy and above all Love; come, daughter, your race is not over; keep your hand in My Hand; I, who appointed you as an apostle of these End of Times, will lead you where I wish, while I will be overflowing you with My fragrance, consoling you while we walk and tread together, bearing the same sufferings as I bore; Love is by your side; love Me, and remember: ecclesia will revive! ic July 26, 2017 The Lord is my strength, my joy, my breath, my smile, my conqueror, my salvation! This is Who You are and I extol You. You who are the King of the universe! My Vassula! leave the crowds and come to Me! do not venture far from Me; My Presence speaks to you, little flower; the good seeds I have sown in you will glorify Me and My Father who delights in your poverty and uncertainty; We have appointed you to transmit Our Word as a Reminder but also as a last Warning; and why?