True Life in God Messages

84 True Life in God Notebook 12 Yes, My Lord, I can see difficulties. lo, lo, stay near Me; I fear to disappoint and fail Your desires. fear not, sister; beloved, love me; (I felt Him and loved Him.) love for love; love Me as now; work and serve Me as now; be as you are; I need servants who are able to serve Me where love is needed most; work hard though for where you are, you are among evil, unbelievers, you are in the vile depths of sin; you are going to serve your God where darkness prevails; you will have no rest; you will serve Me where every good is deformed into evil, yes; serve Me among wretchedness, among wickedness and the iniquities of the world; serve Me among Godless people, among those that mock Me, among those that pierce My Heart; serve Me among My scourgers, among My condemnors; serve Me among those that recrucify Me and spit on Me; O Vassula, how I suffer! come and console Me; My God, come! come among those that love You, go to them, at least for a while go and You are loved there. Rest in their heart, forget; can’t You forget for a while at least? (Jesus seemed SO distressed!!) Vassula, forget? how could I forget; how, when repeatedly they are recrucifying Me? 2 five of My Wounds are left open for all who want to penetrate in them; (Jesus leaned on me. I felt distressed; He seemed comfortless, worn out.) 1That is: No. 2He dictated so quick I could hardly follow. Vassula, come, you are my little flower, I want smooth and soft petals from you to replace My thorns; Jesus let those who love You unburden You, let those who love You rest You and replace You in Your recrucifixion. (I didn’t know how to console such distress.) beloved, those that love Me strive and suffer with Me; they share My Cross, they rest Me, but they are few; I need more souls to unite with Me and bear My sufferings; flower, love Me, never refuse Me, Jesus? I am; Will You help me love You more? I will, beloved; (I feel speechless. What can I say; if any one knew how painful it was to see Him so hurt! It was like He was dying all over again. How can one comfort one who is dying from wounds? And to tell Him what? That it will be all right? When one knows He is injured to death!) May 25, 1987 (I start to realise how much easier it is to meet God with this grace He has given me if I come without the slightest doubt or disbelief, feeling Him, seeing Him, and letting Him write. I start to understand. Full faith makes all the demons flee and they feel at loss, with no power. They fear and are exasperated! When I come hesitant, doubtful, they feel strong and attack me in writing their insults. Full faith and an open heart for God can make the mountains move! I feel Him like an electric sense in me; wonderful and I never want to leave Him or this instant of God's finger on me ... I want it to last forever!)