True Life in God Messages

102 True Life in God Notebook 13 to the ground, prostrated by now, only my head lifting to watch the last scene. I saw someone kneeling surrounded by five others; in front of this scene a very bright silver chalice. The five were doing something to the one kneeling in their midst. The words ANOINTING was heard by me. Then everything just disappeared.) My God, I have not understood Your dream to me. Wisdom will instruct you; June 27, 1987 (So now I realise; I have been split. My body goes around, but without my soul in it. My soul – My God, You have taken it. I feel like a carcass. Detached totally. Has anybody experienced this? To think as long as you are awake and conscious of God only. Has anyone experienced an awareness of God for 24 hrs a day for every day and more than one year? And the minute my mind would start to forget my chin is taken by a Hand to turn my head and face Jesus’ smiling Face. I surprise myself how I cope still with other things!) Vassula, I have just taken your heart, 1 placing it in My Heart; I am Yahweh and I love you! cradle My Love; creature, stay in your Creator’s grace; How, how could I stay in Your grace? you have to be holy; How can I be holy? by loving Me fervently; Then, if it is Your will, help me be. 1 This was said, as if my heart was nothing, very simply… I will help you, have My blessings; I will never ask anything from you that would harm you, remember this always; come, I will unveil My deepest and most intimate desires; allow Me to engrave them on you, little one; June 30, 1987 (Dhaka) (I rushed because Jesus was urging me to write.) I called you! (I felt and saw Jesus happy.) yes, I am, I feel happy! come, let us work, I shall repeat My desires; Vassula, do not fear to show My Works; Lord, I remind myself of this good friend of ours, Martha, the impulsive one. I’m impatient now like her. I want things to go quick, tomorrow, today, now, if possible, to have all Your desires ACCOMPLISHED NOW, thorns plucked and thrown away, lance drawn out from Your Heart now, and all what You desire! Vassula do not rush; (I felt His Hand caress my head.) hear My desires again, I want to remind them of My Ways, I want them to stop throwing venomous arrows at one another, Vassula, was I a politician? (Jesus surprised me with this question, He had a different tone in His Voice.) Well, this time even I know you were not a politician ... exactly, I was not a politician, Vassula; who do you say I was?