True Life in God Messages

Notebook 96 True Life in God 989 deifying them in Our one Substance, and in Our one Will .... O glory be to our Triune God, God of heaven and earth, in whose power all creation will bend its knees; glory be to Him from generation to generation in the Church; Let us all proclaim: there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God who is Father of all, through all and within all; and that there is one true theology: that of contemplating God in His Triune Glory and in His Divine Mystery! be blessed; in the sight of all heaven, I, your Eternal Father, bless you giving you the unction of My Divine Love on your forehead; November 30, 1998 Lord, allow me to find the promised joy at the end of the path You have laid out for me; for this, Righteous Father, teach me to be dressed by righteousness and courage; O Lord! Your House is continuously being battered by rebellion and there is no sign yet of unifying the dates of Easter; not really visible; not yet .... You have turned my life into a sobbing flute from the moment You’ve baptised me by immersing me in the Lake of Agony of Your Heart! Yes, I know that I have been called by Divine Power Himself and that I am in the embrace of a living Defender and that He will triumph over all the dust of this earth; but after my awakening, I am still in my flesh – O Interpreter of my thoughts, let not Your harp, as You call me, be tuned to dirges, for I would commit a sin; let not Your affection test me as much as it is testing me now. daughter, stop babbling; I am right now standing affectionately in front of you, reminding you that it is impossible to be in My company without Me sharing with you My Passion and without your traits becoming Mine; ah, and in our intimate union and in our embrace I have given you the unction of My Love to become another living crucifix, another slave to be sold to the world; if I immersed you in what you called rightly the Lake of Agony in My Heart, look what this baptism has brought you, what fragrance, what imperial vestments; I have treated you as I treat My chosen ones; 1behold, I have been clothing you with My Son, Jesus Christ; and I, 2 I who am the Gateway through which the virtuous enter heaven, tell you solemnly: remain as a lily, having been distilled by pure myrrh in that Lake of Agony which in reality represents the Tears of Christ, so that We would say to Our beloved: “how fragrant your perfume, more fragrant than all the other spices, adorned with Our ineffable Light, keep spreading your sweet fragrance so that you find the promised joy at the end of the path We prepared 1Suddenly the Father spoke. 2The Holy Spirit then spoke.