True Life in God Messages

946 True Life in God Notebook 92 essence that resembled the Holy Communion. Suddenly it was as though Jesus turned His Holy Face away and looked at the reader. (The one who is reading these lines.) His Face was solemn, His penetrating Eyes glued on the reader. Then, while embracing me with His Arms round me, His Mantle covering me completely, giving the impression of someone protecting a victim from any further aggression, He said:) may the heart of the reader who has read these pages, open! may his eyes and ears, open! up to the present time you have not grasped entirely My Heavenly Treasure, nor have you appreciated completely My gift1 to you; you still have not penetrated into what is beyond all price, and what I have been offering you all the days of your life: the tremendous grace of knowing Me in an intimate union and tasting interiorly, in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, My sweetness and My Divine kisses; happy those who listen to Me and obtain this grace; woe to those who in their wretched condition and in their stained mind resist this grace; they shall weep in their misery one day; it is good to do good works for Me and follow some devotions as well as acts of love, thanksgivings and acts of reparation, but I would be greatly disappointed that you would die before having known Me; 2 I would be greatly distressed were you to die now before having understood Me; 3many of you are busy with your daily chores, which please Me if they are done with love and they are according to My Mind, but all of 1 In the book, My Angel Daniel , messages of January 10, 1987, pp.23 and 28; January 25, 1987, p.41; January 31, 1987, p.69 – The Father speaks: “I will send you to all mankind; I will give you to them as my gift, thus enabling them to understand Me more, for this is My Will;” 2Mt. 7:21-23. 3Jr. 9:23. this would be incomplete if you do not open to grace and acknowledge Me in My intimacy; so come and accept My familiar companionship and I, in My good pleasure, I will take you into the mysteries and the hidden secrets of Our Heart; 4 you and We, will become inseparably united in Our Love for ever end ever; (Jesus then turned to me and with a grave look in His Eyes said:) now I have, like in former times, spoken to you from My Heart, to remind you, My child, of My Infinite Love, and especially to take away that seed that was thrust in you by the world; I could not bear any longer to see My adopted one, My joyful messenger, being shred to pieces by the misgivings the world tried to put into her mind: 5 your fear of My having thrust an ice-cube in your heart instead of My Divine grace, Vassula, belittle Me and has no foundations in the Truth .... adversities have not made you lose the Peace I have given you in your heart, and that is good; but for My Sake, My dove, do not ever again doubt of My graces and unbounded Love I have for you always; do not lose your trust in Me; why, can you not see how divinely enamoured to folly, I am of you? so I beg of you to trust Me; so long as you are still on earth, remain in Me to perfect your union with Me and receive Me as often as you can in Holy Communion , magnifying your love on Me, and abandoning yourself to Me; remain in this Resting Place6 for ever, allowing Me to keep you in this Furnace 4The Holy Trinity. 5 Remarks like: “True Life in God messages are one thing but the messenger is completely another thing.” Like the two do not go together. Jesus is against this theory. 6The Sacred Heart.