True Life in God Messages

Notebook 56 True Life in God 583 zeal for Me and My House, and I will always discourage you from looking to your left and to your right; I shall not be harsh with you because of your appalling misery; - since you will be serving Righteousness Himself, I will have you fastened to Me to stand firm by My Side; otherwise, alone, you will waver; - now, My Spirit, your Holy Companion will lead you with enthusiasm to My children; by grace you will speak for Me; I am with you and I shall never fail you; come,  December 5, 1991 (For the Philippine prayer group.) I bless all of them; tell My children that My Heart is ablaze and on fire ready to consume them; they have only to step inside My Sacred Heart and I will leave them ravished for Me their God; (Then to a particular one.) – I am today offering you My Heart; take It; Jesus is My Name and Jesus means – Saviour – Love loves you; and you, 1 My offspring, continue to weave all that I have given you; empty you shall not be; look, your table is full and without Me your table will be empty: it is I who provide your soul; so cling to Me and you shall live; My Holy Kiss is on your forehead; I love you, love Me;  1Jesus then turned to me. December 5, 1991 (For the prisoners of Muntin Lupa – in Manila, Philippines.) Vassula, peace, My child; say to the prisoners: – did you not know? have you not heard how Mercy leans all the way to all mankind? here is your God leaning all the way from His Throne to reach you; – I have come to you – to tell you of the Great Love I have for each one of you; I am your God, speaking through My instrument to give you My Message; I have come to speak to you in your heart and console you, My friends; I tell you, the world is nothing before Me, so do not fear the world, come to Me and lean on Me and I shall shepherd you to My everlasting Waters; I shall heal your wounds and dress them; My Eyes never leave you and I tell you, with Me, your table shall always be full; with Me, you will sup, My friends; and when the heavy scourge comes upon you, do not let this confuse you, beloved ones; every time it comes upon you, look at My Wounds that healed you and saved you from Death; look at Me, your Saviour; do not look to your left nor to your right; follow My Footprints; you will recognise them by the trace of Blood in them; follow them, beloved ones, and they will lead you where I Am; I bless each one of you, leaving the Sigh of My Love on your foreheads; Love loves you;  (For sister Theresa who takes care of the prisoners, and who transformed the prisoners into devout beings to God.)