True Life in God Messages

True Life in God Notebook 104 1070 of their actions, and their existence will be looked upon, from the dead, like a threat; but I have anointed them; and if to some they appear insignificant in their eyes, in My Eyes I esteem them more than all the jewels put together with all the royalties and imperial treasures as well; they are in My Eyes lovable and noble since it is I who reared them; anointed with the oil of My Courts, they will draw large crowds to replenish My Mystical Body, the Church, which has fallen in ruin through the neglect of the shepherds; Lord, this, You realise, is one of the reasons I am persecuted, it is because You blame the hierarchy! I know; but the word has been given to you and I have formed you to send you out to this apostatised world to speak in My Name; the shepherds are divided, opposing one another; they are living in a spiritual decay and if some still bear My Cross willingly and with zeal for My House, these too are persecuted by these transgressors; can they1 say that they punctiliously obeyed Me? if they say ‘yes’, then explain to Me your division; division is a sin; surely you know the meaning of: “every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand;” 2 the distinctive sign of faith in them is missing: love is not there anymore ... even if this division has not come directly from them but from their ancestors, they are fanning this fire that comes from the underground3 keeping it alive; so now, I am asking My shepherds to repent, offering Me a true metanoia, to allow, through this colossal power, a transfiguration to take place; a true 1The transgressors. 2Mt. 12:25. 3Hell. metanoia is the gate that leads souls from darkness into light; My Lord, my heart has had no lofty ambitions, yet forgive my boldness by asking You this question: “If any of Your shepherds would come to read that far, and come upon the words You just uttered about asking them to repent, wouldn’t it be those of whom You say are full of zeal for Your House and loyally bear Your Cross? the Abels as You call them, that are the readers and are willing to hear what You say, because they have not blemished their simplicity? - Am I wrong if I say that those that read Your messages are those who are sincere and faithful to Your House as well? “How will Your words reach those whom You want them to hear, who call your Works evil? You call, but very few listen; who of these will listen? the shepherds who are already living a unity in their heart?” do not worry about matters that are beyond the scope of your mind and perception; I have means to direct My sayings to those who need salvation ... for it is known that Mercy is to be found in Me; 4 as for those of whom you call sincere and faithful to My House, I tell you this: 4 At this very moment, although it was not so apparent in that simple phrase, the Lord Jesus revealed to me that He is sick with divine love for all His shepherds and that was why he was reproving them, to the point of trembling from sensitivity and emotion of love; and it was as if I had heard our Lord lamenting as a child who has been unjustly mistreated, saying: “My Body has been beaten, My friends wounded Me beyond recognition; they took away My cloak, they who guard My House, have stopped conversing with Me and yet it is from My lips distilled with honey, that they could obtain the balm of a revival; I tremble to the core of my being of losing them; they have wrenched My limbs, they injured Me, and when put to the test they offend Me; and if there are any wise or holy men among them, showing their good lives, wreathed with humility and divine love towards Me, they run towards them like enraged wolves to tear them to pieces; just like Cain who belonged to the Evil One and cut his brother’s throat, in that same manner they are treated ...”