True Life in God Messages

Editor’s Note While no substantive changes of any kind have been made to the content of the True Life in God Messages in preparing this book, some changes have been made to the presentation of the True Life in God Messages as compared with the original notebooks in which the Messages were written down. (One of the pages of the original notebooks is reproduced above.) (1) So far as could be detected, all transcription errors – such as in spelling and punctuation – in writing down the original handwritten Messages have been corrected. (2) Various stylistic changes have been made to the presentation of the True Life in God Messages, such as the presentation of dates, footnotes and references to the Bible. (All Bible references are to the Jerusalem Bible.) (3) Where, in the notebooks, Vassula Rydén used an abbreviation or a symbol to represent a word, the full word has been used in this version of the Messages. The punctuation in this book follows the original handwritten Messages, where semicolons replace full stops and where sentences begin with lower case letters. Vassula says, ‘I never understood why the text was punctuated in this manner until one day a priest told me that the Old Testament in Hebrew was written in the same style.’ At the back of this book, interested readers will find two appendices: the first contains a prayer of repentance and deliverance that our Lord wishes us to say; the second contains correspondence between Vassula and the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith at the Vatican regarding the True Life in God Messages. Readers interested in looking up Messages dealing with specific topics or issues are referred to the index at the back of the book.