True Life in God Messages

Notebook 9 True Life in God 51 (I had been looking at His picture (big format) of the Holy Shroud while writing, and unconsciously with my mind I had pushed gently His hair (left side) placing it behind, away from His cheek. I was surprised at the immediate reaction.) Have you felt my hand, really? I have; Vassula do you realise I am God? I’m sorry I did this. do not be; be intimate with Me, just like you are; come, give Me your hand and I will keep it in Mine; March 26, 1987 (Here below God gave me a vision.) delight Me, Vassula, and understand that I God am One; I will dearly wish to show you more of My glory; child, do you know how Heaven was created? By You, through You. yes, I have measured every width, height and depth and all dimensions are perfect; every little living creature comes from Me and is truly Mine; all Life comes from Me, My Breath is Life; do you wish to learn more about My Heavenly Works? Yes, Lord. then let us have a walk in My Glory; (I found myself walking with God’s Presence in a beautiful garden, very colourful, plenty of bright light, but not from a normal sun. While walking I noticed an enormous ball of light almost touching the horizon. It was like a big Sun; but one could look at it without having the eyes burnt.) how do you feel, daughter? It’s beautiful, it’s all strange! what can you see? This sort of ‘Sun’. yes, it is My Holy Abode; and what can you see around that Light? First it appeared to me that it was spots which moved around It, but then they turned out to be little angels encircling It. They appeared to be millions of them. they are cherubims encircling My Glory; what else do you see? Some steps going inside the ‘Sun’? let us enter this Light, are you ready? take off your shoes for we are entering on holy ground; we are now inside the Light; (I thought by entering It I would find myself in very bright light, but no, everything was of blue colour, but what struck me most is the silence and the feeling of Peace and Holiness. It was amazing! Inside all was a circle!) yes, it is a circle; (The ‘wall’ around was no wall, but living things, they were angels, a wall of angels and closing like a dome the ‘ceiling’ made by angels ... all blue, they were millions, billions, one stuck to the other, they were tall angels, one on top of another, stuck all together, forming a solid wall.) My seraphs are guarding this Holy place and are worshipping Me incessantly; can you hear them? “Holy of Holies, Holy is our God Most High,” How many are they, Lord?