True Life in God Messages

904 True Life in God Notebook 87 evil powers as we walk by them, becoming a menace to them while we advance; we will storm their city of evils and these evil forces will have to face Me, your God, in all My Divinity; 1 today they are raging like wild beasts because they know that Our Triumph2 is soon to come; put your trust in Me and be like a loud book; I have more to say, but for today this is enough for you; I love you, dear soul, and I bless you; ic; December 24, 1996 (I had a long journey to go but Father O’Carroll decided to stop travelling with me. I was wondering if I was supposed to go alone ...) Lord? I Am; you are not to go on your own; 3 I will be sending you for this journey a brother; he will be your companion in those meetings; I know how anxious he is to help in these difficult times, this is why I am sending him to you; do not allow your heart to be troubled by those who persecute you, nor by those4 who follow illusory errands; they are supplying their own needs, not Mine .... they are carried along by every wind that comes their way; these are the ones that deepen My Wounds; and so, My beloved, I am sending this brother to you precisely for this journey; may what you do for My Sacred Heart bring many back to Us to share Our Eternal Glory; 1 Because that is exactly what these evil forces are aiming at: Christ’s Divinity. They want to deny the Divinity of Christ and His Glorious Resurrection. 2Triumph of the Two Hearts. 3This came like a command. 4 He made me understand whom He was talking about. I, Jesus, bless you; ic; December 29, 1996 My Lord? I Am; before you I stand; fear not My child; 5 have you not heard that obedience to God comes before obedience to men? What have you done, My child! 6 (When I heard this last sentence, I felt God’s surprise but I felt at the same time that He was ‘shocked’ and His reproach was as this of a mother who surprises her child in doing something wrong. There was no harshness at all, there was also disappointment and sadness. – While He was uttering these few words, He made me understand that He uttered them before; and before He completed the sentence, He gave me a light of perception of where and to whom He had given these words. After the message was completed, I opened Gn. 4:10 and read word for word when He had surprised Cain walking alone in the open country after he had killed his brother Abel. – Just by that, I realised how grave my sin was ...) you belong to Me and although you are a nothing, My Love will always sustain you; although you are wretched, My Mercy will always bring you to your inheritance; yes, it will bring you into My Sacred Heart; you are worth nothing in front of My glory and before My 5His Presence was not only glorious and majestic but had also all the splendour of His Divinity, which made me stagger. 6Although in the previous message God made it clear to me that I was not to travel on my own on that very long trip, I was influenced by Father O’Carroll saying that I could travel by myself and by a friend who said that tickets would be cheaper if I met (...) in Indonesia, instead of (...) travelling from Switzerland with me. Because of this I had consented ....