True Life in God Messages

Notebook 82 True Life in God 849 foresign I will display portents in heaven as never before; there will be a second Pentecost so that My Kingdom on earth1 will be restored; many of you ask: “when? when will all these things take place?” it is not for anyone to know times or dates that the Father has decided by His own authority; in the past, your ancestors killed all those who foretold My Coming; and now, in your generation, you are doing the same; for how long are you to resist My Holy Spirit of Grace? repent of this wickedness of yours and pray so that none of the things you have spoken may condemn you; doubt no longer, you will soon receive an outpouring of My Holy Spirit so that your strength may be brought back; and you, sister of Mine, receive the tenderness of He who formed you; where you failed, I succeeded; where you lacked, My Holy Spirit replenished; My sympathy for you is immense; continue to put into action the lessons learnt from Me; learn that I shall complete My Work triumphant; Vassula, will you go with Me just a mile longer? Of course, if I still have my feet on me to walk with You. their severe treatment on you will not affect you; My Message has been revealed to My saints and to those with a child’s heart; Wisdom shuns from the wise and the learned, but all those who have raised their sword against you shall perish by the sword; My Words have not found a home with them, no, because love is missing ..... doctors of the law they call themselves .... which law? Mine or theirs? had they kept My Law they would have 1Jesus means the Church. understood My language; 2 but they do not take in what I said; ah, Vassula, repay evil with love; forgive and keep My silence to any blame thrust on you; a man draws on his own store; so honour Me since you come from Me; go where I am sending you, go as a witness and proclaim openly all that the Father and I have taught you; Satan’s hour is here, but soon Saint Michael will stand up and woe to the unrepentant sinner! now the devil is vomiting his rage over you and over every one of My interventions for your salvation, the sting of iniquity, but My Holy Spirit will come to your rescue and My Message will become a continuous canticle to the ears who want to hear; pray, My Vassula, for your prayers delight Me; I bless you;  December 13, 1995 With great frenzy they are trying to wall me in. They want to shut my prayers to You. They have distorted Your words and now they are determined to obstruct my path. My Vassula, peace be with you; have I not predicted this from the beginning so that you may know it? do not be tempted to produce your own defence; your witnesses will defend you; their works of siege are nothingness; trust Me; soon you will have to depart .... as for the walls they are building to wall you in, My Spirit will blow them down; and I will show My Glory through you if you remain faithful to Me; now they say: “ah .... now we have swallowed her up;” what 2Jesus means in the Scriptures.